Becoming a LEGAL EASE member, is so easy!

  1. Sign up with an affiliate or email and request an application form.
  2. Fill in the form, and return to the affiliate you signed up with or email the form to us.
  3. You will be allocated a client number, which will consist of 2 letters and 5 numbers.
  4. Set up your recurring EFT payment facility, and send proof.
  5. To consult LEGAL EASE, SIMPLY SMS or whatsapp to set up a time to call (there are no call centres).
  6. Telephonically, explain your problem.
  7. If it is a letter of demand, that is required, there is no charge, for up to 5 letters a month.
  8. If more than 5 letters are required in one month, there will be R100 fee per letter (after the first 5).
  9. If a consult is required, R500 per hour is charged.
  10. A consult, will also include a written recommendation of how to address your legal issues.
Individual Membership

This entitles the member to 5 free legal letters a month. If summons is issued against a debtor, the member will have to pay for the summons and/or any other costs.

Legal consultation for individual members is R500 an hour. Most attorneys charge in the region of R2500 an hour. Small agreements (less than 3 pages) like a simple lease or sale agreement, is R500 per agreement.

In the event of an arrest, LEGAL EASE will assist with the bail application.

Corporate Membership

This membership can be held by a company, or by an individual who has their own business (or by someone who may start a business in future).

Membership can be in the company‘s name, or in the individual’s name. Holders of this membership are entitled to 10 free legal letters a month. If summons is issued against a debtor, the member will have to pay for the summons and/or any other costs.

Legal consultation for corporate members is only R300 an hour. In the event of an arrest, LEGAL EASE will assist with the bail application.

SQ Membership
This is for members who want a ‘Special Quote’, for services uniquely sited to their individual and/or corporate needs.

scales of justice